  • Sri Lanka – Culture and nature go hand in hand

    Sri Lanka – Culture and nature
    go hand in hand
    (once out of the traffic...)

Welcome to A Taste of Travel

The new place for sustainable travel and an organic café in Vevey

Sustainable travel, what’s behind this way of traveling?

Above all, enjoyment, meaningful human contact, transparency, deliberately taking your time to more fully appreciate nature and culture.

It is also a focus towards the smaller and more local, making choices that allow for a better distribution of wealth, making both the young and old aware of the environment and the biodiversity, and at last to take time to breathe.

Overview of our travels

Travel less, travel better

For all tastes!

Some sweet, some spicy (but never bitter!). Some smooth, some crunchy. Some powerful, some delicate. Don’t resist the temptation!

» Explore our trips…

Overview of our café

Come to enjoy the place

Our organic Café is open

The agency-café is also a place to relax, enjoy a coffee or a choice of tea, all organic, lemonades from Ticino or fruit juices.

» Go to the organic Café…

In good weather, our shady terrace welcomes you.

Exterior view of the boutique A Taste of Travel at rue du Lac 18 in Vevey

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